Our partners

The german fanbase of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill
More info at: www.spencerhill-fanbase.de

Der Blinde und der Blonde - You all know them from the movie "Sie nannten ihn Spencer" for all Terence Hill and Bud Spencer fans and those who want to become...
Thank you for your effort !

Here you will find all the guest stars at our events along with Bud and Terence.
More information at: www.meinehelden.com/

The largest database dedicated to Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies.
Thanks to the Heyese brothers for their dedication and support.
More information: www.spencerhilldb.de

The little western town in Templin, just outside of Berlin. Our friends from Templin put on the best stunt shows for our events and will create the far west style decor of the West Saloon inside the museum..
More information at: www.eldorado-templin.de/

Ticketmaster is one of the largest service providers for big events in Germany and actively supports us in our Bud Spencer Museum 2021 project.
More information and tickets at: www.ticketmaster.de